A Quilter's Nook is a home-based studio offering beginner lessons to people who want to learn to quilt. Come learn the basic techniques and discover the joy of quilting. If you are new to sewing or want to refresh your skills, your're invited to come explore your creativity through fabric, colour and design. Lessons are 1 - 2 people for a personalized learning experience. Join a six week class today.



Classes are 2.5 hours once a week for six weeks and are offered Monday through Thursday 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Lessons run early September to end of June with a break in December. All beginner projects can be completed in six weeks. Registered quilters will receive a project outline including all fabric measurements and a list of supplies needed for the project.

To register, call 403-612-5125 or email Info@aquiltersnook.ca.


See the projects that are available on the classes page.


I started A Quilter's Nook because I love to be creative and I am passionate about quilting. What better way to share something that brings me joy than to teach it to others.

Come learn the basic techniques and discover what you can do.

A Quilter's Nook is a home-based studio offering personalized lessons to people who want to learn to quilt. If you are new to sewing or want to refresh your skills, you're invited to explore your creatvity.

I look forward to quilting with you and introducing you to the art and joy of quilting.




Call, text or email your questions.

Diane Westlake

Cell: 403.612.5125
Email: Info@aquiltersnook.ca

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